Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ms Pink Fluf's Summer Party!

Ms Pink Fluf's Summer Party!
its Gonna Be AWSOME
Day: 7th June 2010
Time: 8:00 pm!
Place: my iggy then we'll all go to the cove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Server: Sherbet!

Also there will be....penguin's got talent (, penguin idol or the penguin factor.) there will be three judges comment if u wanna be a judge! (im one of the judge's) comment and i will pick TWO LUCKY PENGUINS PLEASE PUT UR PENGUIN NAME AND IN ANOTHER POST I WILL NAME THE WINNER!
good luck
-Ms Pink Fluf


  1. Hmmm!!!! is there somthing u forgot there mis

  2. i want to b a judge!! plz pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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